Directed By: Daniel Stamm
Written By: Huck Botko & Andrew Gurland
Cinematography By: Zoltan Honti
Editor: Shilpa Shai
Cast: Ashley Bell, Patrick Fabian, Iris Bahr, Louis Herthum, Caleb Landry Jones, Tom Bently
The film is about a preacher who has been in the business since he was a child and has performed many exorcisms but yet as he has gotten older he has grown to become jaded. Especially after he hears of deaths associated with many exorcisms. so he has now decided to show how fake they are and are all in the mind of the people who request them. So he hires a documentry crew to film his last one. No one is prepared for what happens.
The film starts off slow letting us get to know our lead character. Showing us his family and community and really explaining his worldview. Then the film slowly begins to accelerate building up speed until it's shocking ending.
i was shocked at how much i enjoyed this film. it truly has a sense of adventure and overall creepiness. i was shocked many times and was at a loss as to what would happen next in the film. it starts off rather simple and the more the movie goes along and get's deeper it becomes chilling and shocking. you feel like the leads as one minute you have everything figured out the next all you thought has been destroyed so quickly and easily that you just go along for the ride to see what is going to happen.
The documentry feel sometimes is questiionable but gives the film it's edge that is needed where as if it was just a straight forward horror film i don't think it would be as powerful. the most important thing that the film does that alot of horror lacks is that it creates characters we care about. we are upset if/when they are killed or even any harm comes to them because we are emotionally attached. so that no matter what happens in the story we will follow them the truly shocking thing is that a pg-13 movie couldbe this effective. yet it proves horror is not all about blood and gore.
I was happy the filmmakers didn't try to pull a "THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT" stunt by trying to pretend it was all real found footage because the movie would have lost all credibility the wayit is filmed is perfect. The last few minutes are a little contrived and unbelievable but visually they are great especiall the last shot of Cotton the rest after that makes great suspense, uet doesn't reach the shock value that was intended. Of course the maximum amount ofshockhappen beacuse you are unsure of half the people we meet which is why it was wise to cast a bunch of non-actors for the more small supporting roles. with little know actors in the lead. it makes the film feel a little more authentic
I am also happy for the film's success and shocked that the screenwriters are people that i amhuge fan's of Huck Botko and andrew gurland both of whom are better know for comedy (ROAD TRIP, CHEATERS) and their own writing and directing (The excellent MAIL ORDER BRIDE and THE VIRGINITY HIT) they bring their sharp eye and talent for creating intriguing realistic characters to a different genre and hit it at least to me out of the park. Credit is also due to director Daniel stamm who i have never seen a film by beforebut look forward to future films from. He has talent. This film was Produced by Eli Roth who love him or hate him has a good eye for material. i am shocked he didn't direct this one himself probably a little more serious then his usual kind of jokey horror. not as flashy.
The bending and contortions are not special effects they were all really done by actress Ashley Bell. Amazing
This is a film i highly recommend and would even add the the film library. Especially if you are a horror nut as it shows what horror can be at times without having to resort to extremes.
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