Directed By: Barbet Schroeder
Written By: Richard Price
Story By: Eleazer Lipsky
Based on the Original Screenplay by: Ben Hecht & Charles Lederer
Cinematography By: Luciano Tovoli
Editor: Lee Percy
Cast: David Caruso, Nicholas Cage, Helen Hunt, Samuel L. Jackson, Ving Rhames, Stanley Tucci, Michael Rapaport, Kathryn Erbe, Paul Caledron, Philip Baker Hall, Anthony Heald, Kevin Corrigan, Hope Davis,
Jimmy Kilmartin's an ex-con who's trying to go straight. But he can't say no to a quick driving job because his so called friend's life is threatened. The job is for Little Junior Brown, a violent and powerful villain. When things go wrong, Jimmy is left to do the time, and his whole life is turned upside-down, but if that wasn't enough, the cops won't leave Jimmy alone when he gets out... They want 'Little Junior'
David Caruso left the TV series NYPD Blue in order to film this movie and pursue a full-time film career.
When I first saw this film as a teenager I thought it was a great film, the trailer transfixed me so much I had taped it and would replay it each day to get me hyped to see it. Which I did one opening weekend and was delighted as the film cast Ving Rhames and Samuel L. Jackson hot off the success of PULP FICTION as well as David Caruso who was popular due to NYPD BLUE making a return to film as a lead instead of a character actor.
So I decided to watch it again recently. Watching the film now i see it more as a guilty pleasure. As watching the film now. it is more entertaining than it is thrilling. It’s a remake of KISS OF DEATH this one obviously updated. It is more humorous and thought out the film even though it has it’s moments where the film tries to play up the tension it’s more darkly comedic than anything else. Most of the actors are way over the top and chewing scenery showing they are having fun with the material especially Nicolas Cage who physically transformed himself into more of a weightlifting gangster, Who is sadistic as it is second nature to him who strangely tries to follow a code. While he isn’t smirking when throwing a old lady down a set of stairs in a wheel chair as the original films villain does. He doesn’t hesitate to use violence when and where he needs to without blinking an eye.
This film is packed with a well known cast that is filled with not necessarily stars but plenty of recognizable actors.
That is where my problem with the film lies. Even though these mobsters are criminals I never truly felt they did anything wrong to Caruso’s Character. It is all really his scumbag Cousin’s fault that all the tragedy happens, but as he never finds that out he takes all his anger out more on the mobsters. Who actually try to do right by him. IT’s more the prosecutors and cops who keep pulling strings and setting things up who put the two against each other and while the film doesn’t present all of this outright, but if you are paying careful attention and care the story presents it. Which actually makes the film smarter then it comes off as to the casual viewer.
It’s a film I’m surprised Sidney Lumet didn’t direct as it plays into his wheelhouse as a journeyman director and certainly would have been better then the GLORIA remake he directed with Sharon Stone. Directed By Barbet Schroeder this film seems smarter for it’s own good. Yet comes off at times as baffling. It has a certain style down. Yet seems to aspire for more a coolness factor like the recently released at the time PULP FICTION. While it certainly has enough story to be a pulp one on it’s own. The material is treated like a colorful extended episode of a police procederal with some European art direction.
Not the usual Crime and punishment film, nor is it a typical gangster film. It tries to be a thriller yet plays more as a testosterone heavy melodrama that involves criminals and has a sense of humor.
I know it sounds harsh but through it all this film has a certain charm that wins you over. You can’t stay mad at it for it’s shortcomings and while not a cinematic achievement it is a fun and memorable watch. That while not necessarily classic it’s a film that is a good time waster.
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