Written, Directed, Edited and Cinematography By: Jay Lee
Cast: Robert Englund, Jenna Jameson, Roxy Saint, Penny Drake, Whitney Anderson, Jennifer Holland
In a near future, President George Bush has been just elected for the fourth time with his vice Arnold Schwarzenegger and the USA is in war against many nations, among them Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Venezuela, France and Alaska. In order to compensate the loss of soldiers, the government is researching a virus to reanimate the dead tissue of deceased soldiers and reactivate their brains, to form a powerful army of undead. When the experiment goes wrong and gets out of control in a facility in Sartre, Nebraska, the efficient Z Squad is summoned to destroy the zombies. However, the soldier Byrdflough is bitten by a zombie and afraid of being killed, he escapes to the underground Brademus strip-club owned by the greedy Ianna Esco. Byrdflough bites the star Kat and the stripper spreads the virus, turning her colleagues into zombies and eating the flesh of their clients
You know what your getting into with this movie just by the title alone. So you can’t take this too seriously. It’s totally tongue in cheek, that is why I have no problem giving it such a high grade. I was entertained and the production values are impressive for such a obvious low-budgeted film. It’s more fun than anything else.
The film was shot in 18 days with a one million dollar budget.
The special effects while not the best were very impressive when they weren’t obvious computer designed. This is like watching a USA UP ALL NIGHT movie without the edits. (Up all night was a show that ran on the USA network on firday and Saturday nights . Hosted on Friday by B-Movie actress Rhonda Shear and Saturday Night by Comedian Gilbert Gotfried. The host’s would show really bad b and z grade movies and exploitation films. Some would be straight to home video films. During Commercial breaks the host’s would make fun of the movies usually many problems. This might be where I get my fondness for trashy cinema) IT’s campy morbidly funny with it’s low brow humor. There are plenty of sex jokes. Tons of nudity as most of the characters are strippers. Certain parts of the movie make no sense. I’m sure there was some allegorical deep meaning and symbolism somewhere, But i was too busy laughing. It reminds me of the classic Exploitation films only updated as the main attraction is Having Adult Actress Jenna Jameson star in the film. They include her in the action and add exploitive joys of sex and violence around her. A Successful formula here. It tries to give off a Grindhouse feel with the mixture of horror and comedy.
This film is certainly not for everyone. I can’t compare it or judge it against something like DOG DAY AFTERNOON because this film wasn’t so much made to impress and find an artistic truth, but to entertain and appeal. I can’t even compare it to a Steven Seagal film because I like this film. Where as with Seagal it’s hit or miss. Most commonly miss.
If I were a thinking man watching this film I would wonder why no one was afraid or freaked out or reported these zombies, but why? This is the kind of trash cinema so just go with it.
When I see movies like this, I guess it reminds me of my teenage years and those weekend nights. Where I obviously had nothing to do or go out to especially during the summer with my uncles in new jersey. Who were the ones who made me aware of the show and shaped my cinematic mind. So this one goes out to them
I would suggest this film if you are looking for some cheap thrills. That is more comedic then it is horror.
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