Directed By: Yoichi Sai
Written By: Yoichi Sai, Joon-il Lee & Seung-Hwan Lee
Cinematography By: Seong-kun Mun
Cast: Jin-Hee Ji, Seong-Yeon Kang, Man-Soek Oh
I watched this film going in blind Completely. I was not completely won over by the film. It is different but not that great to me. It’s ok. It has more knife and blade fights then gun battles.
The film feels drawn out it could be a lot shorter. The film tries too hard to try to make itself deeper and it’s characters more emotional Then they need to be. I think the film has a good story that could have been more interesting if it had been explored a bit more. We go through man flashback to their youth which a\have a golden hue and help you understand how some of the characters took certain paths. These scenes aren’t really needed again as if they are padding for the audience that they assume won’t understand the film. We don’t need to be lead so much if they didn’t feel the need to overstuff the film.
There are great action sequences. That enliven the film and makes the film Exciting for a bit. Then the film slows down just as fast and soon the film becomes dull. I understand we need to know the information these scenes provide. To give a deeper meaning to the action scenes and the characters motivations. I just wasn’t expecting a small epic. It ends up slowing the film down and soon either not wanting or not caring. It’s like the star wars prequel where there are some great scenes that you have to wade through the other bad scenes to get to.
It’s a action thriller movie that seems to switch to melodrama quite often.
Half the characters in this film die slowly heroes and villains. The film has you wait around while they do also. Like it’s a documentary. There is an assassination by sniper that is supposed to be surprising but the guy stands there not doing anything for a solid minute then is shot then we watch as he slowly drops hit’s the floor and bleeds to death. There is also the believability factor of how much pain and torture a character can take and still be functional in this film you can be half-dead and still take out an army. The action at least feel more realistic then most action films.
I really want to recommend the film for the action, But you will have to suffer through some really bad melodrama to get to them. I say with this film. Enter at your own risk. Wait for cable (Though it is foreign I don’t see this playing on any indie channels. More like the late night let’s put on anything programming)
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