Written & Directed By: Lucky McKee
Cinematography By: Steve Yedlin
Editor: Debra Goldfield, Rian Johnson & Chris Sivertson
Cast: Angela Bettis, Jeremy Sisto, Anna Faris, Nichole Hiltz, James Duval, Kevin Gage, Nora Zehetner, Will Estes
Sorry i know this is more of a personal reflection of the film then a review of it, but if you are a fan of this series of reviews in the HALL OF FAME. You should know this is my usual way of talking or writing about the films.
I have held off reviewing this film a long time in truth it would have been my first hall of fame film, but i wanted to wait until i felt i had the right words to do the film justice. this is a film that couldbe seen by most as just another psychological horror indie film, but to me this film in a weird way is personal. i had nothing to do with the film but it spoke to me as soon as i saw it probably because the character reminded me of myself in a way (of course with a worst case scenerio that i don't believe i would ever be capable of)
The thing is if you don't know me. i am a quiet person and a bit shy. The character of may is shy and kind of weird and tries to reach out to people to become friends but either she tries to hard, becomes clingy or just scares them off with her personality. i know what it's like to be there trying to act like you just don't care but you do, you also don't want to be to enthusiastic afraid you will scare people off. unlike her i find myself more awkward then anything. It made me feel like this would be a film i could or would want to make if i really wanted to write a genre film that was personal, Though i am not as bad as her i felt her plight at many times.
I came upon this film by accident (Usually how you discover the great ones. Since they seem to sneak up on you when your expectations are down and overthrow your defenses) Plus i was a fan of Actress Angela Bettis who seems to have at that point a reigining scream queen of indie horror. I only watched it because i liked the cover and i sat down to watch it and 2 hours later my jaw was on the floor. with tears in my eyes that was how much the film affected me the next day i went out and bought it. To this day i haveonly watched it three times, that is not only how emotional watching the film is for me, but also it is a film i never want to ever get tired of watching. I want each time that i do watch it. to be a special occasion or a gift to myself.
Could the film have had a bigger budget that would have made it better? of course but i also feel that if it did it wouldn't have the small qualitties that make it so original and that gives the film it's character.
Though billed as a horror film it is a bit of a unfair title. it has horrific elements and the characters are into horror films. Yet i feel the film is more of a character study that turns into a psychological thriller with a bit of a revenge element thrown in. The only thing is that while she is getting revenge in a way, the people who wronged her are kind of innocent. they more or less represent what she feels has been takne and done to her. I will admit the film is strange but it is also beautiful in it's own way. it is also scary and well thought out. It allows the audience to see the actions that make her do what she does and helps us to sympathize with her, but it also makes us Shocked and disgusted by what we see happen, even by her own hands.
The film also always keeps you on your toes with an uneasiness of what could turn out positive but could also turn out bad. The film and the main character are both unsettling and leave you a bit uncomfortable. So there is a sense of dread always coming around the corner. Here it does it through writing and acting not like BLACK SWAN which was helped out by a guiding soundtrack. It hits at your heart more then your nerves as you get to know each character. This is a film that doesn't tell you exactly how to feel. The most imporessive feet is that all this was accomplished on a $500,000 budget. Plus it's a bit funny of course the humor is dark.
Unfortunately Lucky McKee Still Hasn't made a film that comes close to the promise he showed here. His Subsequent film THE WOODS was disappointing and RED which he partially directed but was fired from by producers. He Directed a epsiode of MASTERS OF HORROR Titled SICK GIRL. Which most hated but i kind of liked in a warped Screwball comedic horror type of way. Which is how i am afraid most people will think of this film.
I hope you all match my enthusiasm for the film. I love this film and feel it personally as many Film Fans out there take the Film DONNIE DARKO another dark film about a misfit.that i feel is overrated but when you take a film personally. no matter what others say it is special to you always.
The film is about a character named May who is lazy eyed and who works at an animal shelter. she is lonely and has no friends mainly due to her late mother. Now that she is on her own she goes about trying to make friends she is interested in a guy ADAM, she meets inthe park who is a Dario Argento fan and they bond over his films. At the same time her lesbian co-worker is always flirting with her and trying to seduce her. After a date goes bad with adam and he begins to avoid her. she slowly begins to lose her grip after nuerous rejections after him.
I don't want to spoil this film too much as it is a film that is best to discover, After watching this film though i will always have Faith in Director Lucky McKee and Actress Angel Bettis. they made a film after this which was supposed to be the male version of May named ROMAN it was nowhere near as good as this one. He Starred and wrote that film while she directed it. One of the editors on the film is director Rian Johnson (BRICK, THE BROTHERS BLOOM)
I am not going to say thisfilm changes the film world or anything and maybe i letmy emotions take over when watching this film instead of paying attention to the other details but even technically it is a solid film. Most hall of fame movies i review have affected me in some sort of way. This one is not the greatest movie ever made but it is one of my favorites.
Any film that involves injuring a classroom full of blind children has something going for it in the way of shock and originality. Not in a way that calls attention to itself. in a more realistic way though. yes it goes there one of the rare times it pushes boundries.
This is a film that i can't recommend enough. even if you don't usually agree with my reviews i beg you to seek it out and watch the film and at least tell me what you think of it.
If you ever want to know what types of film i aspire to make this one is Numero uno on my list.
Definately of course a welcome addition to your home library.
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