Directed By: Marcos Siega
Written By: Skander Halim
Cinematography By: Ramsey Nickell
Editor: Nicholas Erasmus
Cast: Evan Rachel Wood, James Woods, Jane Krakowski, Ron Livingston, Selma Blair, Stark Sands, Jamie King, Danny Comden, Ari Schnall
This is a ugly film. Film wise and Content wise. This film hides behind free speech and being Un Politically Correct, in it’s attitude and content. Which I could see if there was a point to this comedy, but it’s mean spirited not for satire but for no real reason. Other then to maybe get noticed for shock value.
The Film is about a girl who is upset she didn’t get the lead in a play, So she accuses her drama teacher of sexual harassment, Which he is not guilty of, But still has a thing for ogling his underage students so much so that he requests his wife dress up as a school girl to turn him on.
Most sacred cows are attacked in this film with a surprising amount of venom aimed at muslims and jews. There are really no likeable characters in this movie. No one to root for even the innocents are shown to have ulterior motives or are punished because they are considered weak.
Evan Rachel Wood who plays the lead is a little too good in this role as a Amoral character who is after more then revenge for spite. She pulls the strings of all the characters to her own advantage and to settle scores. She embodies The vision and not be a victim but a victimizer.
She seems to relish This role of only the filmmakers had as much passion this could have been great, but it ends up a woulda shoulda coulda film. It's like the Shakespearean character Iago got their own story and updated it as there is a death and a hollow victory at the end. I know it is rather bold to compare this and Shakespeare. Though it seems her character relishes in the outside being queen bee, miss perfect but on the inside looks to be challenging or rebelling against social norms particularly sexual Ones.
Given all the more power being that she is underage bit from the idiot lawyer to the perverted teacher . All are just pawns in a good old fashioned revenge story film
I respect the story’s sometimes intricate working structure but the filming doesn’t support that instead it’s sloppy.James Woods is the only person who comes away unscathed his character is loathsome but is the id to this film and Mr. Woods is clearly having fun playing the role. Which he should be accustomed to.
The film Falls apart at the end, where it seems to be trying to send a message and ask was it all worth it. By this point the film is so dark it’s too little too late. It makes the film come off as unbalanced.
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