CAST: Heather Matarazzo, Brendan Sexton III, Eric Maubis, Matthew Faber, Ken Leung, Stacey Moseley, Christina Vidal
Written & Directed By: Todd Solondz
Cinematography By: Randy Drummond
Editor: Alan Oxman
Another 90’s classic
When this film came out it made a splash. It was a hit at the Sundance Film Festival and had a lot of buzz. I went to go see it on it’s opening weekend a Sunday thinking I would be able to get tickets when I got there the next 2 shows were sold-out so I went to the midnight show and had 3 hours to kill so I spent them at the Barnes & nobles next door that was how desperate I was to see this film. Thankfully, it was worth it.
This film to me is perfect it nails what it’s like to be a outcast at school and in life. The thing I really enjoyed about the film is that everytime the film looks like it is going to go into cliché and everything is going to be fine. The film slams the possibility of that happening and makes the situation worse. It truly is a dark comedy that even though horrible things are happening on the screen emotionally there is still a element that makes it hilarious. Part of what helps the film work is that no one in the cast is movie star beautiful they all look like people you would come into contact with day to day.
It’s a film I relate to. It made me realize that there was someone else who had my sense of humor and that it could be used to entertain as well as exorcize some emotion. Because in a strange way everyone usually feels that in some way they were a outcast in high school eve the popular kids because while they were popular they claim no one really knew then they’re public image was just a façade. They were just going with the flow. At the time I was still in high school so this film more or less inspired me to actually start sharing my writing more. I guess that’s why this film means so much to me. I wanted to tell stories like this not so much big screen and extravagant. But more personal stories that the average person could recognize parts of themselves in or had been in similar situations but probably different details.
It’s another film that inspired me to be a filmmaker it was so low budget and low-fi that I felt I could actually do this. Keep in mind this was before the internet and discovering the business side of filmmaking.
The film is about the Weiner family. It focuses on Dawn the middle child her older brother mark is in high school an overachiever obsessed with getting into a good college, her younger sister missy is clearly the favorite of her parents who barely notice dawn and when they do it’s only to complain. The school bully has a crush on her while taking out his anger on her and she develops a crush on the high school hooligan who her brother tutors and her attempts at seducing him are as sad as they are hilarious. The thing that is also admirable is that in most films of this type the coming of age genre the character maybe persecuted but usually survies due to either the friendship she has with one other person Which is absent here and the other is that usually the character is talented in some way shape or form again not the case here she’s not good at school can’t sing or dance she’s just average or in some cases below average. We are really just following her through her life. There is nothing too special about her. Nothing that a normal film would showcase.
The film is heartbreaking and pushes the limit though not as far as was originally intended. Certainly not as far as the next movies of Todd Solodanz Such as HAPPINESS and PALINDROMES. His focus continues to be alienation and the cruelty of life not only from children who supposedly don’t know better but also Adults who do know better. His view of the world seems to be that in this world if you try to be pure of heart and nice you will be torn apart and persecuted for being so naive.
Heather Matarazzo is the star of this film and it really put her on the map soon she was getting work left and right and was a indie teenage movie darling. She was really the big breakout star of the film. Other then the director unfortunately in his future movies he lays out the fate of Dawn Weiner without actually showing her. That I will not expose here. Matthew Faber as her brother is hilarious with deadpan expressions and timing. He continued to reprise the character through other films. I really wish he would hae broken out more too.
I’m not going to lie at times the film has a creepy feeling and grotesque atmosphere. It helps unsettle the audience but also opens it up so that anything can happen. Keeping you off balance. I enjoy that feeling instead of sitting there and predicting what will happen.
The film even has a kick ass soundtrack. No top 40 singles or anything but it is all done in the style of kleismer music which becomes very catchy and dorky at the same time. but listenable at anytime close to a theatrical feel.
The film will definitely effect you in some way. It’s not a film that goes middle of the road you will either love it or hate it. It’s heartbreaking and hilarious at the same time.
Grade: A+
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