Cast: Olivia Thrilby, Cheyenne Jackson
Written & Directed By: Paul Greengrass
Cinematography By: Barry Ackroyd
Editor: Clare Douglas, Richard Pearson & Christopher Rouse
This film is pretty much critic proof we don’t know 100% what really went on, on the plane. We only have the records. So this is a dramatization of a meditation of what could have happened. The film still packs a wallop with the drama of the situation and the thriller type pacing or at least it feels that way because those of us in the audience know how it will end. That is what I appreciate about director Paul Greengrass watching his films they never feel like productions. They feel like documentaries that’s how real they feel at times. Everything seems flawless and perfect at least in the film.
I refused to see it in theaters the subject feels too personal that I didn’t feel comfortable sitting around other people an audience mind you and be exposed while watching something so emotionally raw. It especially feels more personal when you lived through the tragedy not necessarily firsthand but were around when it happened. Now I kind of know how older adults feel when they watch Vietnam war films. Or world war films. A bit of nostalgia for the times then the memories that still haunt you.
That is why this film was not a hit. It’s not a film most would go to the theater to have a good time. That is what most people go to movies for something that can take them away from there own problems, or at least a film that intrigues them in some way. Going into this you know you will have a emotional reaction that will not be positive.
This is a one time film. It’s great but it’s a film I can take probably only once. I encourage as many people as I can to see it, But this is not a film to watch as entertainment. It’s more a film you witness. Watch it for the craftsmanship or to remember those who perished as the film is a testament to them, By the end though you will be affected somehow and in some way.
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