CAST: Denzel Washington, John Travolta, Luis Guzman, John Turturro, James Gandolfini, Michael Rispoli
Directed By: Tony Scott
Written By: Brian Helgeland
Based on the novel by: John Godey
Cinematography By: Tobias A. Schliessler
Editor: Chris Lebenzon
It’s ok as a remake but they replace the more charismatic and darkly humorous original that had so much character and represented the new york of it’s time. That was a clear product of the city at the time. This is more of a sleek edge of your seat thriller and action se pieces that makes the film seem more slick and cool rather then quirky. All of director Tony Scott’s trade marks and camera style are here.
The film stands on it’s own two feet but as a fan of the original it feels hollow. The performers are all good Denzel Washington is dependable and engaging as always. John Travolta is at his best when playing villains which shows in his more energetic performances and actually seems like he is having fun, But as for the rest of his squad they are just nameless and rather random which is a shame considering Luis Guzman is one of the team. They never allow him to bring any flavor to his role. The other all-stars are stuck in one dimensional roles where they do well but really have nothing special to do. James Gandolfini’s mayor reminded me of michael lerner’s performance as the mayor in GODZILLA. For some odd reason just a corny performance. More here to be another big name amongst the cast on the poster.
The film feels like a chess game between two actors Washington and Travolta only Washington’s character is more like a pawn who get’s promoted to a king. Though the whole time you know who is going to win you put yourself through disbelief as the film goes.
The film is certainly entertaining and has sharp visuals with that erratic Tony Scott style. Which is a little more restrained here so it’s not as distracting. Certain moments stand out in the film, but they remind me of how even in dire circumstances characters an be selfish like the woman with a child who expects the ex military man to do something and protect her or the girlfriend connected by the internet to her boyfriend who is upset because in a hostage situation won’t say I love you.
The film is stuck between wanting to be a more modern day thriller and presenting it as such. When the original was a thriller but a thriller with an attitude that at times seemed more like a comedy. As it was full of New York personality. here the film feels more typical and trying to be old school but more technological and the criminals seem more out of an action movie.
It’s a movie worth adding to the library for 14.95 and under if you never saw the original you’ll probably enjoy this film more, But you should see the original. I disagree with director Tony Scott’s assessment that the original film is dumb. It’s more a prduct f it’s time and more well rounded and thought up then this remake but I’m still a fan on you Tony Scott. None the less. I understand you just need to defend your film and find a reason for it’s creation.
A Satisfying Rental.
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