Friday, January 3, 2020


Directed By: Tom Vaughan 
Written By: Daniel Pearl & Allan Loeb 
Cinematography: Denis Lenoir 
Editor: Michael Berenbaum & Wendy Greene Bricmont 

Cast: Miley Cyrus, Kelly Osbourne, Jeremy Piven, Alexis Knapp, Mike O’Malley, Megan Park, Matthew Settle, Autumn Reeser, Eloise Mumford, Josh Bowman 

Molly is a teen who works with her father, an ex-cop turned P.I. One day an FBI agent approaches and wants her to work for them. They want her to keep an eye on the daughter of a man who is going to testify against a criminal. So they send her to the college where the daughter is attending. And she tries to fit in while keeping an eye on her and trying to see if there's someone there who doesn't appear who they are

This film seems specifically written for it’s star a kind of starter movie to test out her big screen power. Though it is Telling that it never made it to a theater and instead came out straight to streaming. As it’s hard to see someone paying to see this in a theater. As the production looks better received on the small screen.

This is Miley Cyrus before her self makeover into a psychedelic provocateur. This more fits in with her earlier Disney image. As this Is a more PG-13 movie with a little edge because of language. Perfect fro teen girl, but even they might find this a little juvenile and silly. Miley plays more of a tomboy character forced to be more girlish as a sorority girl. Them opposites of her more loose image. She excels only here one wishes she had a better film to be in. As she tries to show an older but not quite adult role.

What is interesting is that this film feels so out of date. Even for the time period in which it was made. As it plays like a high concept film from the 1980’s. Which might be why it became extinct as being based on just a concept and filling in the rest of the story sometimes leads to satisfying movies but usually lead to disposable entertainment. This is obviously more of an example of the later.

As this film feels like it was written and conceived from the decade and held over and finally got into production. As everyone seems straight from central casting that aren’t distinct yet look like the average type.

This feels like a film that is an Arrested Development Disney film Made for fans if Disney but looking for a fun that’s a little more mature or risque and not bound by innocence. It also seems like a film that knew it wouldn’t make it to theaters. So it just downplayed and barely worked out any details or originality to set itself apart or be noteworthy.

Alexis Knapp plays a similar role to the one she played in PITCH PERFECT here. Kelly Osborne in a supporting role seems cast here for comic relief purposes and to be another familiar face amongst the cast that helps appeal to the audience demographic. Not that she is given much to do and it doesn’t help that half the characters especially the sorority girls seen here mostly as suspects and comic Relief. Actually Megan park makes more of an impression as the comedic relief.

The college male characters feel interchangeable even though there are only a few.

The third act tries to spice up the preceding by adding more action and intrigue. Though by the end the film is about learning the value of friendship, trust and sorority life. It’s all Pretty predictable and routine at first. It also aims to kind of explain sorority and fraternity life and culture.

The film tries to appeal to it’s audience by not making them think too hard and just tries to entertain them. As this feels a little like the kids movie AGENT CODY BANKS. At times when it comes to appealing to youth maybe some don’t put as much effort as they might not be looking for certain details.

Though what makes this film so disappointing is that everything about it other then the star is vague and it looks cheap. As most of the male characters are interchangeable and the main love interest for Miley Cyrus who is tough skinned and defensive is supposed to stand out somewhat and be charming and here there is nothing particularly special not even his looks. So it feel like little effort is made and the bottom line is even in films that are meant to just entertain the successful ones at least try to add details and even manipulate the audience or at least show the hard work done.

This film other then looking cheap doesn’t seem to respect the audience or itself. As it goes about things it seems to behave an attitude of this is good enough and not choosing to show or have any effort in the proceedings and if it doesn’t show or even act in this manner why should the audience? Why should we care or have an enthusiasm.

Arguably I will admit to being the wrong audience for this film.

Grade: D

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