Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Directed By: Barry Levinson 
Written By: Sam Levinson, Samuel Baum & John Burnham Schwartz 
Based On The Book By: Diana B. Henriques 
Cinematography By: Eigil Bryld 
Editor: Ron Patane 
Production Design: Laurence Bennett 

Cast: Robert DeNiro, Michelle Pfeiffer, Hank Azaria, Katherine Narducci, Allessandro Nivola, Michael Kostroff, Lily Rabe, Kristen Connolly 

A chronicle of Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme, which defrauded his clients of billions of dollars.

Considering the talent involved behind the scenes and on screen this should be more of a slam dunk. It's good though not effective.

The film gives face to the damage and the victims. Though it more revolves around the immediate aftermath of the scandal we get more of a lead up to him getting caught so that we see some of his wheeling and dealing and also a bit of the family dynamics before the fall. Which the film stays focused on and while the aftermath is devastating and shows the hardships of the family and their struggle. Bernie Madoff stays largely unemotional mother than anger. As he is still giving the filmmakers have to assume and go somewhat easy as far as interpretation.

Though in a way presents this film, As a horror movie all about survivors and he is the unemotional monster who integrated himself into their lives and spoiled them and took care of them, but in his wake left them out to dry. As they soon become victims themselves and know what it’s like to trust someone and lose it all. Only they have no one to run to for sympathy as they are seen as compliant with the monster Robert DeNiro does well in the role but we are left a bit unsatisfied as we have seen him play this type of role before. So that it feels familiar. Though nice to see him returning to more rather important roles that don't feel like they are just being done for paychecks. he seems back to not being afraid to be unlikeable. Thought he film seems to lack the charm and know how of the character that would lead to so many trusting him.

It would have been nice to see someone come out of the blue or uncharacteristically play the part like Dustin Hoffman or Albert Brooks though one wishes Richard Dreyfus would have waited to play the role here instead of in a more basic TV movie of the week version. We truly get to see his characters sociopathic side, Especially in a scene where he argues and shames his 9 year old Granddaughter for asking questions about the situation.

It shows him as a humorless obsessive workaholic trying to stay one step ahead of everyone especially as his business is failing. Though it also makes it seem like this fraud and illegal business is kind of a revenge and also the only outlet or vice in his life. It is almost his fetish or sorts. That he has been building up over years. So that is is a second skin but almost like a turn on for him. That is how dedicated he is or at least that is how the film presents him.

Which also is a problem for the film. It’s not far removed enough from when it happens. So while it feels fresh it also feels like too much artistic flourishes given to a more cut and dry presentation that makes it all feel like filler even though more trying to seem like it is more giving us partial psychological insight.

Michelle Pfeffer is great In her role as his wife who begins to break down under the pressure of association and being free made to suffer as proxy socially. Adding a texture to a woman who has been married and taken care of for 50 years and still loves her husband but can't condone what he has done to his victims and his family.

We see his Controlling ways and how he believes he was don g the best for all involved as far as family and that he believes he could protect his family. Especially his sons who would inherit the business but if he had died would have been made to take the blame. The films exposes him as a sociopath and gives us more direction into the tragedy that befalls one of his sons. Though also leaves questions as to why he wouldn't let them strike out on their own. So that they could get away from his business. We know what will eventually happen to his sons but from the first scene the film seems to want to telegraph and clue us in. So that we realize how sensitive and precious one of his sons is and how hard he seems to be picked on and controlled by his father.

We see glimpses of victims and their sad fates throughout as well as a constructive narrative built along the story as a woman questions those involved to get a full view of the story. She also works as part time narrator and stays with the story and film throughout. As the film is based on her book about the case and people involved.

The film As strong as it could be. It definitely informative. Though it Tries to more dramatize by focusing on the characters in the main moments. Without any background it seems more informative rather than dramatic it hopes. As it tries to present emotions and feelings that have been pent up until now a little history shown would help us to identify more with them.


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