Saturday, May 7, 2022



Written & Directed By: Radu Jude  Cinematography: Marius Panduru  Editor: Catalin Cristutu 

Cast: Katia Pascariu, Claudia Leremia, Olimpia Malai, Nicodim Ungureanu, Alexandru Potocean, Andi Vasluianu 

EMI, a school teacher, finds her career and reputation under threat after a personal sex tape is leaked on the Internet. Forced to meet the parents demanding her dismissal, Emi refuses to surrender to their pressure. 

This film is about five minutes of actual pornographic material and one-third of information and history lesson, one-third lead up to the third act has a lot of us watching the main character walk through the streets to appointments and letting the situation build literally little by little and then finally in the third act a kangaroo court of sorts. Where she is being judged by people whose viewpoints are nastier than anything she has ever done. Exposing their own prejudices and hypocrisies. 

Where we get different viewpoints and counterpoints from various parents and citizens who dare to challenge the Character and one another and most are close-minded or run dual. Where they seem to be progressive on certain points and totally closed-minded on others.

The film is meant to be a satire but it feels pretty loaded that it comes off more at times as a statement more than anything else with some comedy thrown in, but it takes its time getting there that sometimes you are left wondering where it is eventually going.

Writer/director Radu Jude makes his points that at times are subtle and other times beat you over the head with his points. Though the film is filled with great ideas it does feel like a chore at times to sit through. Even if it does have a wicked ending. 

The film is worth watching to get a history and maybe a current look at the culture in Romania from a more humanitarian view and it does reach satirical heights but more in the third act. Where the only sane character seems to be the main one.

The version I saw was censored, don’t know if that was intended as the cover-up pretty much says it all and you can still hear and see glimpses of the action. When it comes to the more sexually explicit and nude scenes. Don’t know if the message would have been quite so dominant if it had been uncensored or may been left for the audience to make up their own minds. 

The film does raise some interesting points. Such as how it is ok to show violence as graphic as you can and it still is allowed to be shown as a kind of reality to most ages, but as soon as anything sexual comes up or any nudity we are so fast to censor it. Even though the latter is most likely and hopefully the extreme most of us will witness and have experience with it. 

The film is definitely a conversation starter, but as far as just entertainment it might be too far for those not looking for something more challenging to watch. 

Grade: B-

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