Keef is an African-American cartoonist on the verge of mainstream success when an unexpected incident changes his life.
Only having 8 episodes so far in season 1. This show has definitely made it’s mark
Here the main story is the issues where other stories, relationships are more in the side and in between the main issues of race. Even the cute animated figures talking to the main character that only he can see are making points not completely spread out. These messages are good and bad.
While not always about blunt statements. Sometimes the show offers some finesse and subtlety:
Some episodes bring up issues on the side of the main story. So it’s not overpowering but still there for that and future episodes.
While it is an engrossing television show that takes it’s time to let the characters develop and explore the slow breakdown of the lead character. So that it’s not cured in an episode or two. This feels like the beginning of the story the early chapters of you will.
This does feel like it could have been a movie and told the same tale, but would have a lot less wiggle room to explore the characters and their environments not give side characters enough time to shine and gestate.
As another strong part of the show is the more supporting cast. Which the show might not revolve around but does leave the show more to feel like an ensemble. As the show works more when it is a group effort of the characters.
Also if it has just been a movie it wouldn't have been as much fun and entertaining. Nor as much as an enriching experience.
The show doesn’t work by taking on big issues it more observes them at times in minute detail so it can be dissected and explored. Then more take on the bigger subjects.
I am glad that Lamorne Morris is in the lead as he has always had a likable screen presence and has usually been hilarious in whatever he has been in. Though always gave off the impression that he was smarter than the material or situations he was usually given on shows like THE NEW GIRL or even the film DESPERADOS.
Just as I am happy that Blake Andersen found another show to be on that uses his strange comedic energy and lets him play a bit different than his character or workaholics though still heavy weed humor around his character. Similarly, his character working in an ensemble and being the more outrageous character.
At least the show is confronting subjects and topics. Most flirt with but never fully satirize it go into too much detail with and it shows that it's not only white people but that African Americans and other people of color can be just as guilty in these conversations and circumstances though the minority character will be the one who has to pay for it in the end.
Tackling subjects such as cultural appropriation, Interracial relationships, polyamory, lgbtq, sneaker collecting, white privilege, crime
Showing the many levels and Intricacies it’s not always black and white though might find itself always going back to that.
It points out problems and points of view but not always making the victim totally innocent nor the perpetrator totally evil
Definitely worth a watch. Not only to witness but hopefully to watch it grow. Though it seems when a show particularly an African American based one seems to get it right and hit the nail on the head and feel refreshing as it has something fresh to say that most of the audience can identify with (CHAPPELLE’S SHOW, BLACK DYNAMITE (ANIMATED) and THE BOONDOCKS) it either gets watered down or canceled before it’s time.
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