Wednesday, January 30, 2019


As in the manner of the classic marvel what if comics. I would like to submit this idea of colorblind casting or what could have been. That might have made a good film, great or maybe even made the film more noteworthy. 

I submit the movie...    THE SALTON SEA

A good movie that is entertaining, but it is one of those films that is a shining example where if you change an element. It makes the film more noteworthy. Making the lead character played by Val Kilmer. Recast as a black actor in the role. Even a minority actor in the role. As already the only minority characters we see mostly are hustlers in the underground world he maneuvers in. Other then an Asian FBI agent.

As it would be an example of setting up a movie that could be seen as stylish, yet maybe a little basic and a little inspired by the movie MEMENTO. Yet takes that movie’s heart and put’s it in a mainstream wrapping. Though lacks the originality and depth of that film but at least with this casting it tries to make up for it. If you are going to copy try to make yours as different as possible or at least add your own elements to make it stand apart. Either that or explore ideas the inspiration never made or never fulfilled, Add some colors into the background.

At heart it’s a revenge story of sorts. That we are made aware of, but it’s also a love story. Where a man not only right’s an injustice but loves his deceased wife so much. Not only can he not let it go, but he can’t move on and still loves her. Haunted by memories that he struggles to keep a hold of and relive the good times when he can.

If you made the main character African-American it makes the film standout and a bit shocking. As it uses the audiences preconceptions and expectations against them. As it is more of a reveal that not only is this character seeking revenge but also that the character is smarter then everyone else in the movie. As it wouldn’t be shocking that the character is necessarily a drug addict, but that the character is more or less using this as an intentional undercover identity seeking revenge.

Not only that it would be a showcase for the main actor playing a leading role in a more modern neo-noir film that we only slowly realize is that kind of movie. a sorrowful romantic tale. think in terms of the movie BRICK.

Some scenes would be more charged and take on a whole different meaning. For instance him dealing with the rednecks. Lead by Vincent D’Onofrio’s character. Who would either see him as some servant Uncle Tom. Or they would go out of their way to accommodate him. Which then we would know they are setting him up. Yet it would be something unexpected and then if wanted could reveal and release all their racist invectives. His interactions with some characters would carry more weight and be tinged with an element you recognize but can’t put your finger on.

The character could easily use the underestimation of his character or the casual suspicion and racism he deals with and it would be used in his favor and against the people he seeks revenge on and even some audience members. Or show that to a certain society he is another face in the crowd and looks like all the rest.

It would also provide something a devastating love story that we hardly if ever see minority characters go through on screen. Especially black couples. Who usually are shown to be comfortable with one another after time, constantly arguing, not trusting or just plain old comedic. Though rarely romantic and loving to an extreme extent.

It also has to do with representation. As again usually we are side characters or hustlers in these types of films and roles. Either saintly or evil fever the road and rarely morally conflicted. So it would be nice to seen a ire diverse leading man role. Where the actor really get’s into the role of identity and where colorblind casting is turned on it’s head for a more positive opportunity.

Though try to make it color blind casting it would also give the movie an edge even if the filmmakers choose to not acknowledge it or make it a big deal. Though that might be not being as honest.

I know that the movie and the role isn’t that legendary or groundbreaking, but it more or less gives a chance for an actor and to add depth to something that is the same old to a degree when you use the same flavor. That has been used more than enough. The same old recipe and expecting a different taste. A complex character.

The film could also be seen as not necessarily an African American film, but a crime thriller that uses race in it’s make up. That offers a different look at the genre. While keeping the elements. If made today I would definitely cast Lakeith Stansfield in the lead.

This is a movie I have always enjoyed. But it is also a movie that has always nagging me. As I always felt there was something missing or in some way made to feel for complete or add to it’s unorthodox and stylish ways to truly set itself apart and be special. Though it can be really open to any minority and you would still have that surprise element. It just seems that when it comes to African American characters they seem to be the most underestimated when it comes to being masterminds. Also though often having to fill the role of Drug Addicts in movies. Not really known for being crystal meth addicts. Then again at the time it seemed that was the drug du jour to portray on screen, As heroin chic had passed on.

Maybe i have just given the keys or at least made some points for a remake or reimagining of the movie.

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