Sunday, November 3, 2013


Written & Directed By: Oliver Assayas 
Cinematography By: Eric Gautier 
Editor: Luc Barnier 

Cast: Clement Metayer, Lola Creton, Felix Armand, Carole Combes, India Menuez, Hugo Conzelmann

In the months after the heady weeks of May '68, a group of young Europeans search for a way to continue the revolution believed to be just beginning.

While this coming of age film Is certainly accomplished and personal ultimately it leaves you with an ambivalent feeling, By the end of the film it feels like you just watched a mini-series or the first season of a television show edited down into a movie to give a general overview with the best scenes. Cutting out what seems to be the personal and defining so called part of it.

It centers around the lead Gilles obviously based on the directors youth or inspired by it. Though we are introduced to many characters through their interactions with him. We get to see them Develop seperate from Him Usually leaving the characters future questionable

The film is advertised as a love story and there is one mixed in there that Is contemplated and returned time to time, but like many of the subjects this film touches on comes and goes.

While the film deals with the politics of the revolution fighters. It is mainly centered to the culture that was going on a more urban renaissance. The film touches more on art and the many feelings and subjects that come up on the path to adulthood. It's a beautiful film to look at and lavish. It creates a period it just didn't affect me the way it intended.

Lola Creton is an amazing actress. She manages to look plain, but exotic and sexy all at the same time. One of my main reasons for wanting to see this film.

The film Feels like a Bernardo Bertolucci film, Only not as explicit and with more of an innocence. There are scenes of great beauty, meaning and visuals. While it all ties together to tell a interesting story at times it also feels very indulgent. It ends up setting more of a Mood and a world. That would be more mystifying if it had something to say

Breathtaking scenes like When the Lead characters go to the movies on a date that perfectly encapsulates the build-up, anticipation and passion of not only going to see a film in a theater and going on a first date.

The film doesn't feel about one particular thing. Leaving it very open for anything to happen. You end up caring about these characters and wondering what will happen to them. They all get a final scene. I guess hinting at it, but we all know that what you aim for in youth has a way of making a detour on the road. It has an ending that is satisfying though leaves you with a lot on your mind.

 Grade: B-

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