Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Now i have previously devoted a whole episode of UNFINISHED BUSINESS to my problems with modern day horror. I thought i would share some thoughts on why i love the genre as a whole above and beyond some others.

Horror is one of my favorite genres, in whatever form. it's so wide open, playful and allows room to be creative. It's like a pet think of it in the form of a dog gentle plaything to you that can disappoint at times yet still manages to bring you joy. Still it can be vicious and some are scared of it for obvious reasons, but is always familiar in some way to the owner and admirer. The genre has rules, but then is always making new ones. It can link to any genre such as any genre can link back to it. Most importantly it takes place in people's fears and phobias and so many people have different ones foreign and domestic, singular like a fetish or similar. We are various so there are just as many scares and fears to be had that change with situations, age and experience. Leaving your mind and imagination open for anything that can be thrown at you. Leaving us unsure though aware of the unwanted and uninvited. Bringing your fears into the open. Horror tales are like fairy tales only more Grimm brothers version with bleak endings sometimes. The genre I known for it's violence but rarely given credit for it's other attributes. The grim reality of life, the challenge of facing your fears. The acceptance of death the realization of how special and delicate life is. The fun that can be had in the darkness. Even it's supposed official celebration Halloween is special in children's hearts for candy, but also dress up. Becoming your fantasy stepping outside of ourselves In association with others. It makes us face that evil is real and though some say it can be killed. The genre shows that just in life it can be defeated, bit never killed. As long as emotions such as jealousy, greed, cowardice, low impulse control and envy survive. Evil will be waiting around the corner in the Toyota Carolla. Some say it's all about morality. I say it's the true human condition. Lending itself to Mystery, Thriller, Fantasy. It can contain elements of other genres in itself while still being defined by it’s own genre merits as many other Genres can also. Though when it comes to horror it fits a little more snuggly then the mix and match with other genres in of themselves.

Usually inspires a reaction

The Beauty in the unexpected as there will always be phantoms to haunt us, The works of the genre just put a face onto it and leave you in the middle to experience and explore.

Though the followers of horror and the macabre sometimes dress like death to celebrate it but at heart each tale is about life desiring it fighting against death for survival.

It’s never set in stone as things can be violent yet not horror, horror is more what scares a person. It doesn’t have to be violence it can be a creature, person, entity even a cause. These days watching politics and politicians can be a horror in of itself.

Each tale Is a mystery as those involved and the audience must lean the rules. No one is certain at the beginning at the entrance.

Supposedly fantasy but close to reality has it's anchor and uses it usually as a launching pad before it goes off and floats in the netherworld o dreams and nightmares

I know I am Using a lot of sentences to celebrate it. Let’s try to get down to the nitty gritty .

We are all travelers In it's horizons like outer space we have a handle but don't know everything about it as it is so vast and unknown. Though it feels like we are singular we discover it as a colony. Which might be why when it comes to the films we find it more fun to experience it in the dark with an audience for a collective (Shared) experience and feel safe that we are not alone. Even if it is with strangers, We feel a certain safety. Though a certain thrill, still. --The genre leaves itself open for reinvention and creativity as it set’s rules and can still dismantle them and begin anew. It’s one of the few genres that let’s you experiment and no one can call bullshit on it so to speak, or dare call it unbelievable to a certain degree.

I can remember the dread and visions my imaginations dreamed up reading Stephen King’s IT, Jack Ketchum’s THE GIRL NEXT DOOR, THE LOST, THE WOMAN, and RED to name a few. (all made into good films) I remember being scared watching even the sanitized version of horror films on television and going to school to ask my classmate the resident horror expert on what I missed while covering my eyes or hiding underneath the blankets, Of course not saying I was doing that making some excuse of going to the bathroom and missing it. As sad as it is my true horror addiction started with Friday The 13th: the series and Freddy’s Nightmares which actually used to scare me though watching them recently it’s ridiculous that they did. I believe I got hooked on them as they not only seemed like they were bad as in a outlaw way as they weren’t like anything else on television, but also though i hadn’t really watched any of them yet.

A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET and FRIDAY THE 13TH films were on my radar as they were pop culture superstars of the time. Eventually I did get to see them first on television as they were usually on late night and then finally the unedited version on cable and home video. I can admit that after awhile they kept me coming back to the series through the later films being gimmicky to a degree (Look Kids it’s Jason Vs. a Psychic teenager with Telekenesis or Jason Takes Manhattan. Then there was Freddy Vs. dream Warriors, Freddy Fighting a guy with Kung-fu, Freddy With a power Glove. Remember Nintendo was big at the time) The very first horror films I remember that I saw in theaters Were PET SEMMETARY 2 and CHILD’S PLAY 2. They were harrowing experiences but got me hooked. (You Could Include BLACK RAIN with Michael Douglas if only for the graphic violence of decapitations and the cutting off of limbs and fingers, not the film per-se) Though I made a point of choosing to watch most on home video where I discovered and became huge fans of films like THE PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS, DR. GIGGLES, RE-ANIMATOR, BASKET CASE, and all the popular series of films mentioned here. Though I will admit I was late into the HALLOWEEN series of films.

It's creation helps to fuel and fund a national day of celebration and helps inspire the many costumes, that define the day and the characters whoparticipate in it toa certain degree. Thier ID or Alter Egos, The qualities and strengths they wish they had.Like some people with superheores.

I understand the need for evil at times or at least the negative as too much of a positive has no weight. After awhile you get bored as there is nothing different noting to balance it out. The negative might be hurtful but makes you realize how lucky you are to have happiness and success. Giving happiness more weight and as it might seem harder to appreciate things. These days you have to grab happiness wherever and as often as you can. Because there will always Be that storm cloud on the horizon behind that sunshine of yours.

At least that is how I see it.

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