Written & Directed By: Christopher McQuarrie
Based On the book ONE SHOT by Lee Child
Cinematography By: Caleb Deschanel
Editor: Kevin Stitt
Cast: Tom Cruise, Roasmund Pike, Robert Duvall, Richard Jenkins, Werner Herzog, Jai Courtney, David Oyelowo
In an innocent heartland city, five are shot dead by an expert sniper. The police quickly identify and arrest the culprit, and build a slam-dunk case. But instead of confessing, the accused man writes the words, "Get Jack Reacher." Reacher himself sees the news report and turns up in the city. The defense is immensely relieved, but Reacher has come to bury the guy. Shocked at the accused's request, Reacher sets out to confirm for himself the absolute certainty of the man's guilt, but comes up with more than he bargained for.
To be honest this was a film I really had no interest in watching. I only gave it a chance because I was bored on a plane. I have to say I’m glad I watched the film as it is a good popcorn film that offers little surprise but leads you entertained.
The film gives Tom Cruise a chance to play a undefeatable hero again, Who this time has a bit more attitude and is less boy scout then his usual heroes. He tries to be an anti-hero, but is still mostly a good yet deadly character. Not so unbelievable and doing amazing stunts and fights as his usual action hero roles like MISSION IMPOSSIBLE only here more brutal and smaller scaled.
The character Jack Reacher from Lee Child's book series is described as 6'5" tall and weighing between 210 and 250 pounds (Tom Cruise is 5'7" tall).
While the film is filled with plenty of action it takes a back seat to the story and when there are action sequences they are more practical, Small scale and intimate
Now while the film has a novel to follow it’s still pure popcorn cinema, An action film masquerading as a thriller.
It tries to throw a few shocks your way, but even when surprised the film still feels par for the course.
Directed By noteworthy Screenwriter Christopher Mcquire, Who also previously directed Tom Cruise in VALKYRIE.I was shocked to learn he was behind this film, But should have figured as it is well thought out and paced.
Brad Pitt, Hugh Jackman, Vince Vaughn, Jamie Foxx and Will Smith were considered for the role of Jack Reacher before Tom Cruise was cast.
Hayley Atwell, Brit Marling and Alexa Davalos tested for the role of Helen Rodin.
The film seems to go overboard at times to show Tom Cruise as a man’s man, His big meals beginning the film showing him at the end of an amorous rendezvous. The way he takes out most of his enemies hand to hand rather than with weapons. I know villains are supposed to be memorable but half the villains are so over the top that while ruthless they come off more as humorous then dangerous. Though it is a treat and stroke of genius to have Director Werner Herzog as the main Mastermind Villian.
Tom Cruise did all of his own stunt driving. In the scene where Jack Reacher's car crashes into some barrels, the car accidentally stalled upon the impact, but Tom Cruise luckily was able to restart the car before driving off again. Rather than do a retake, Christopher McQuarrie decided to leave it in the film as he felt it added to the suspense of the scene.
It’s also nice to see Robert Duvall back on screen in a supporting role. The film takes Reunites him and Tom Cruise who last worked together on the film DAYS OF THUNDER.
As usual the female lead is left with nothing to do but be the damsel in distress at least in the beginning she seems strong willed and independent then she gets overcome with fear. Then can’t seem to do anything without Tom Cruise’s character. It would have been nice if she stayed the same strong willed throughout and maybe even took a bad gut or two herself, more as self defense rather than all of a sudden becoming an assassin. While she and Tom Cruise have little chemistry I enjoyed the slow burn attraction between the characters. Like a violent MOONLIGHTING episode.
Leads Cruise and Pike sourced THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR in their quest to capture the right subtle chemistry between their characters.
I enjoyed this film more than I expected to, I think it’s
worth a chance just don’t expect a classic. It’s a perfect popcorn blockbuster
the fills the right mood and tone when it’s supposed too.
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