Recently Sylvester Stallone has made the comment that Super Hero Films are Making the Action Genre Fade Away.
Well it's hard to impress audiences about what a single hero can do when facing the odds that are greater then him. It's a device that fuels our imaginations of what we are capable of which is partially why batman is so big. Where as, when it comes to superheroes they will always win and only come upon trouble when facing evil from similar origins or otherworldly. We like to see ourselves more as superheroes which can only happen by some freak accident. or being an alien. Superman is only brought down after all by a rare rock that is from his home planet that if you are human you are lucky to have it to have a chance of defeating him. They are essentailly tall tales that are apart of fantasy. Action films are from reality but a nice diversion into your own imagination and seeing what supposedly one or a fe hman beings can do within a certain logic in situations and circumstance. if crushed you die you are a human in a superhero movie it's a deterrent.
As Even Jon Hamm has said it's getting harder to find film work, As most movies are aimed to appeal to 14 year old old's so it's hard to get films funded aimed at adults.
So if the film is a major release. It must be defined or have mass appeal. It is more that hollywood works in trends. No one knows any proven formula and when a film is a surprise hit everyone tries to follow suit. Look at all these found footage horror films. You have to hope for the best no matter what and as far as Sylvester Stallone action films are dying because, just as they were a fad in the 80's and 90's there were a roster of action stars to go to that wre larger then life while seemingly human. You could try to create some, but most audiences wanted there tried and true ones. Usually Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwartzenegger and in lower budgeted films Steven Seagal, Jean Claude van damme and Chuck Norris. (though incidently the ones they rejected were relegated as straight to home video films they were the ones who actually knew martial arts. As opposed to the star ones who had sculpted bodies and new the way to deliver a one-liner)
Then all of a sudden around the time of The Rock and Vin Diesle Ascension joining the ranks. Both seemed to want to venture away from the form and do comedies Where the rock got stuck and Vin Diesel had a bomb in sci-fi sequels then seemed to disappear and now has a franchise again that works,But once is pushed out of the way and wondering What's Next? he tried drama and the film bombed. In there absence there have been people trying to take the reins some succeeded once or twice (Nicholas Cagem, Jason Statham) most didn't (Ice Cube). in the absence of the supermen the action heroes started looking a bit more normal and looked like everyday guys you could relate too who were short on musce but big on luck and brains. More natural looking. Now before the 80's this wasn't so strange as you had Charles Bronson, Steve McQueen and Clint Eastwood. There were action films but they wer emore like thrillers with a good amount of action, but also a good amount of dramatic scenes as first and foremost these stars were actors. Where as the 80's and 90's action heroes seemed to be Action stars first Actors secind. (Though alot of credit should still go for the stunt people then the stars)
It's easier with super hero films because you have a built in audience of fans who know the character and those who are startving for action. All they have are these films plus you can cast easily any one you want From Big name Dramatic actor and star to a virtual unknown. Just throw special effects at them. They just need to mainly represent the main character and alter ego can be masked, doubled or CGI'd
Why do you think we keep getting great dramatic Dream casts we could never get in a drama. But for super hero films it's not even a second thought they need someone to emote the backstories and drama of the situations. and internalize the hero's psyche. It's what pays a easy paycheck plus you get to co-star with someone like Anthony Hopkins. Also the actors are atttracted to these roles as they have great dramtic depth as in the comic books they have dramtic origin storylines and the inner passions of hiding identity from their loved ones and not being able to reveal all about themselves to protect their familes and not expose them as a weakness. Or it can be the pwoers which are awesome but a curse as to why they must stay away from the people they care about. or just the inner turmoil of having this huge repsonisibilty to protect and save the very same people who hate you
It's not only only that, but if there was more competition for the superhero film.
Another factor is the fans have salivated for these films for years also. Over the years, fans were always hearing rumors of live action film version of X-Men and Spiderman only to have there dreams dashed by lawsuits and astronomical budgets to make the films. I think also that the during the 90’s Where instead of making superhero films people wanted to see instead they went out to find properties they could acquire cheaply or way past Rememberance (THE PHANTOM, THE SAINT) and make big screen versions. Adding B-List celebrities in the lead with modest budgets. So now they are getting wish fulfillments so you have the Fanboy audience Kids just getting into comic books and kids who are just naturally interested in action and fantasy, Plus notonly girls who like it but Women who also havethe added bonus of hunky guys in tight costumes that flatter the male figure. So you have a universal built in audience.
When a action film does come out it's either based on previous material or if it's original and not foreign. It stars the same roster of stars Liam Neeson, Gerard Butler, Jason Statham, Daniel Craig. So that they are in like 5 movies a year and all look the same. So of course if they miss one no worries you can see one in a few months in theaters or watch the one before which just so haooens to be coming to DVD. While the new one is hitting theaters.
In the old days it would be Schwartzenegger in a film a year. So we anticipated his next film. Not get tired or bored of him upping the ante each year. Now it's hard to up the game when you have 3 - 5 coming at one time some are going to be low er quality thne others. While the James bond Franchise keeps being successful as the films are usually spaced apart when it comes to releases. It is hard for Action heroes to fight bigger and bigger challenges. When Superheroes are fighting aliens and gods. Trying to save the planet
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