Directed By: Kent Alterman
Written By: Scot Armstrong
Cinematography By: Shane Hurlbut
Editor: Debra Neil-Fisher & Peter Teschner
Cast: Will Ferrell, Woody Harrelson, Andre Benjamin, Maura Tierney, Jackie Earle Haley, Matt Walsh, Tim Meadows, Andrew Daly, DeRay Davis, Will Arnett, Andy Richter, David Koechner, Rob Coddry, Pat Kilbane, Jason Sudekis, Kristen Wiig, Ed Helms, Paul Rust, Ian Roberts, Charlene Yi
Three men, three dreams. It's 1976 in Flint, Michigan. Jackie Moon's American Basketball Association team languishes in last place, with few fans in the seats. Jackie dreams of a merger with the NBA. A tough-minded point guard named Monix is at the end of his career; he's played on the champion Celtics but accepts a trade to Flint to be close to Lynn, the love of his life. Clarence "Coffee" Brown dreams of stardom: he's the Tropics' best player, but he's a hotdog who doesn't value teamwork. When the trio learns that a merger is in the works that won't include the Tropics, they pull the team together to try to achieve the impossible. Can dreams come true in Flint?
Another in a on-going series of movies Starring Will Ferrell involved in sports. This time it’s basketball and surprisingly the first half of the movie is good and actually funny. Mr. Ferrell is in his element in the first half. The afro, the 70’s setting, The sensational self centered man-child. The early scenes are surrealistic with the over the top humor, But then around midway through in the scene after the commercial break Royal Rumble. The film gets bogged down after that there are a few funny scenes and bits here and there, but never as often as earlier. In the film at that point the film becomes a little more serious and actual plot driven.
I was enjoying it as a comedic free for all, but when it gets dramatic it loses it’s flavor. The performances are good. Mr. Ferrell is his usual crazy self.
Unfortunately Woody Harrelson who I like as an actor plays the movie as drama. When it is clearly a comedy, but I think it has more to do with the character he is left to play. Who is downtrodden and depressed, but so was his character in KINGPIN, he was still funny. I put the blame on the writers who could have made his character years removed form Hoosiers.
Special praise must be made for Will Arnett and Andrew Daly as the tropics team sports commentators. The characters are funny and the actors are just funny. They could have had their own movie revolve around them and I would still be happy. Will Arnett is just hysterical as a 1970’s alpha male and Daly is just funny for his happy go lucky pent up realistic sports announcer. Who is just thrown into wacky ridiculous situations and characters to deal with.
The best scene in the movie is to me a future classic. Is the jive turkey poker scene. Which has to be seen if you just rent the movie for that scene. You will be grateful. Other then that nothing else is really noteworthy for a film with so many stars it looks shockingly cheap like this was a low budget film. I understand it’s set in the 70’s, but still it can look like they spent some money on it. My other complaint is not so much with the film.
Maura Tierney plays a role in this movie one of the only significant females in the movie. She has a history of it. Playing second banana to a comedy star (LIAR LIAR) or all star cast (PRIMARY COLORS) In this movie she vaguely resembles Jennifer Aniston and it got me thinking how unfortunate Ms. Tierney doesn’t get more or better work. I know she is on television shows usually. But I feel she is a better actress then Ms. Aniston who seems to keep getting roles thrown at her and it seems just because she was on FRIENDS a hit television program. So were 5 other people. She was also married to Brad Pitt. Since when does who you marry make you talented or bankable. Look at Tom Cruise’s ex wives or Tom Hanks’s wife. She never won a award. All I’m saying is that it’s a shame Hollywood can’t do something better with Ms. Tierney. Who so far only really tasty role was in SCOTLAND, PA. which she was great in but other than that she has done solid work in a number of movies. She is one of those under appreciated Hidden gems of actresses. Others who come to mind are Kim Dickens, Judy Greer, Joan Cusack, Lisa Kudrow,Janeane Garofolo, Parker Posey. Whose names you might not know but who you would recognize if you saw there faces. They usually elevate sub-par material into workable material or at least are usually the best things in some of the movies they are in.
This is not only the last New Line cinema film but as Will Ferrell has stated his last Sports related comedy as for awhile it seemed to be the only type of films he was coming out with at the time.
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