Written & Directed By: Andrew Gurland
Cinematography By: Fred Murphy
Editor: Troy Takaki
Cast: Trevor Fehrman, Matthew Lawrence, Elden Henson, Martin Starr, Maggie Lawson, Jewel Statie, David Krumholtz, Griffin Dunne, Mary Tyler Moore
This film has so much going for it, Likeable actors, A good script. But it's not the total success it should be. When this film was finished it was supposed to come out in theaters. I even remember seeing the trailer when i used to work at a movie theater and it was a feature story on Entertainment tonight. Even Ain't It Cool News praised it after getting early look it even called it "The Goodfellas of highschol films" A pretty huge endorsement. I looked forward to it then it never came out. It kept being delayed. Never a good sign. Then finally after about 2 years later. It went straight to DVD/Video. I ended up seeing it on cable.
THere is obvious talent behind the scenes. There are plenty of good moments. It just needs to be polished a little more and not be afraid to not give into the more juvenile low brow moments which sinkthe film at parts.
The film plays fast paced and slick like typical teen movie of the time only with better material considering it was partly based on fact. IT makes too many of it's supporting cast into caricatures instead of actual believable characters. If the film went a different route and stood apart from the pack. Make it a little less glossy and slapstick. Not play to the audience as much and let it be more of a character story. Since at the heart of the story it is about trust and morals. It could have been a Dramedy coming of age story that felt real. It wouldhave made more of a dent. Instead while it hasfun and amusing moments nothing really sticks.
It has a group of friends that have a cheating circle that has always gtten them good grades and helped them get ahead. Soo they are opening te circle and willing to help others for a price in the scheme. Oncethey are caught though they apear to go clean but only one actually stays that was as his defection starts to bring the the group down and apart.
It certainly didn't help the film that there was another film named CHEATERS that was also based on a seperate but true story that partially covered the same type of story. Cheaters is definately more dramatic. Cheaters felt more orgainic. This film feels more like entertainment through and through.
The film has so much potential. The same could be said about the characters who were in the film. Now the film is not bad, But it doesn't live up to it's full potential. Some characters seem one dimensional or that they only exist for a joke or jokes later. Trevor Fehrman is winning and charismatic in the lead as the Character Handsome.
The film is funny on Occasion in a disarming way. The performances by a cast are on point. At times broad but centered. IT's a fun film, But not a memorable one. IT's a satisfying rental.
Grade: C+
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