Written & Directed By: Michael Mann
Based On The Original Series By: Anthony Yerkovich
Cinematography By: Dion Beebe
Editor: Willian Goldberg & Paul Rubell
Cast: Colin Farrell, Jamie Foxx, John Hawkes, Li Gong, Naomie Harris, Cirian Hinds, Justin Theroux, John Ortiz, Barry Shabaka Henley, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Eddie Marsan, Dominic Lombadozzi, Tom Towles, Issac De Bankole, Tony Curran
This is one of the first Artistic Action Thriller's I have ever seen. When it comes to the action scenes the film really kicks it into high gear. The film's tone is constantly shifting it's moody and eclectic. It plays like a more violent longer epsiode of the series. That plays out almost like an opera.
Jamie Foxx's character seems so stilted. Iunderstand he is supposed to be more military trained but he feels so stiff i feel that qulaity would give away the fact that he was a cop, So it's strangehis character would work in vice, Where it is mostly undercover work. Plus his character was always supposed to be the gentleman playboy. Here he seems more like he is trying to be a captain. Which leads to the characters backgrounds they are very well funded and have a lot of weapons at they're disposal for a vice squad they seem more like a swat team unit. They seem like they are supposed to take down more hookers and pimps and small time dealers then drug cartels.
Colin Farell's fine though crocket was always the vietnam vet on the show. Here he is more redneck made good. This is a role Cloin could do in his sleep and his mullet is a little distracting not making him seem like the cool playboy his character is supposed to be. It would have been moreinteresting to see an actor stretch into this role since it seems to be a character who is sleezy with a heart of gold who can kick ass when needed. I like to imagine an actor Like Matthew McCognahey Taking him out of those dreadful romantic comedies and give him a chance to prove himself as a actor whoshowed promise in films like. DAZED AND CONFUSED, A TIME TO KILL and FRAILTY. He certainly has the Physique for it. Him or maybe Mark Walberg.
Unfortunately the rest of the crew don't get a chance to shine. They are morelike background Scenery or back-up. i like this film it is unpredictable and unstable but it also has a smoothness to it. It keeps a calm veneer most of the time until it matters. The Villains aren't all that memorable either, butthe aryan gang more then make up for them in viciousness. Then the relative laid back drug cartel whose bark seems worse then then they're actual bite. The film feels a bit long winded at points but is certainly worth watching.
In fact if there had been a sequels or sequels, the Crew could have taken on more powerful adveseies while dealing with their own personal problems. like a Dramatic LETHAL WEAPON Series of films. Maybe even relocating The films would have double crosses and labrynthine plots and adventures, Maybe old cases and aquaintances from the past show up. I guess make it like better episodes of the show just updated and a bit more extreme.
One thing the film definately lacks is a sense of humor everything in the film is dead serious. It's shot in High definition that gives the film a crisp look and sets a diminished jazzy tone.
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