Directed By: Patrick Lussier
Written By: Patrick Lussier & Todd Farmer
Cinematograpy By: Brian Pearson
Editor: Patrick Lussier & Devin C. Lussier
Cast: Nicholas Cage, William Fichtner, Amber Heard, David Morse, Billy Burke, Todd Farmer, Christa Campbell, Charlotte Ross, Tom Atkins, Katy Mixon
This is one of the more recent better films of Nicholas Cage. This film with THE WEATHER MAN, BAD LIEUTINENT: PORT OF CALL NEW ORLEANS and KNOWING. Have convinced me Nicholas cage still has talent and is capable of being in good films, Once in awhile.
He strikes me as a actor who feels he has proved himself artistically so he is in it more for the paycheck not the challenge anymore. Though once in awhile he likes to wake up the sleeping dragon and go for a ride. I liken it to the old guy at work who complains about the job but come sin each day and when he has a chance to get out stays on for a few more years. Then once in awhile puts in a hard day's work.
Here he appears to be having as much fun as the audience watching the film. You don't take any of this film seriously you just settle yourself in for the ride. This is a popcorn movie with a dark heart. It plays like a Grindhouse film. It is definately a b-movie and has the feel of one. It has a shootout in the middle of a sex scene trust me you have never seen anything like it. At least it is a popcorn movie that has a partial soul and doesn't put on airs like it is goingto change your life. The film also gives Nicholas Cage a style and look that looks natural on him.
It is about a man who literally espcapes hell to save his grandaughter who has been kidnapped by a cult that killed his daughter. He hunts down the cult members with the help of ayoung woman he picks up, Thecult memebers soon hunt him. Along the way there is a man called "The Accountant" who is after Cage's character to bring him back down to hell.
It's a man from hell versus devil worshippers. It's like a demented loose ripoff of Ghost Rider Almost in it's own way. I am sure it is partly inspired by the book PARADISE LOST which is about Satan's Explusion from heaven and the creation of hell that was written by John Milton. Which is the same name of Nicholas Cage's character.
You know everything that is going to happen but it is a surprising film in a stupid wayat times. William Fichtner steals the film with his performance as the accountant. The action in the film is pretty exciting and big though the scale is small so the set pieces are more quaint then anything. They don't seem to movre the geography too much. I only wishit would have been a bit longer and involves some more of the cliches in a glorious absurd way.
I am happy that this is one of the first films that i have seen that Amber Heard has appeared in thatis actually good. Since it is in 3D a lot of the shots that seem wasteful are there to enhance that technology. I watched it in 2D and it still managed to keep my interest.
Thisis a film that has desinged itself to be a guilty pleasure down to the uplifting theme song played during the end credits. The film is not meant tobe taken seriously just enjoyed. It may prove Nicholas Cage is a mad genius when it comesto his decisions. it gives it's audience what they want cars, gore, nudity, action.
I will admit the film is dark yet fun.
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