Written & Directed By: Chris D’Arienzo
Based On The Book “Life Is A Strange Place” By: Frank Turner Hollon
Cinematography By: Morgan Susser
Editor: Joan Sobel
Cast: Patrick Wilson, Judy Greer, Shea Wingham, Malcolm McDowell, Chloe Sevingy, Cybill Shepeherd, Billy Dee Williams, Emily Procter, Colin Hanks, Mae Whitman, Judith Smart, Missi Pyle, Kyle Gass, Christopher McDonald,
Half of my amazement at this film is that it got practically a all star cast for most of the roles and most of the roles they do play are more like extended cameos not that it’s bad I just figure for such a low budget I am surprised so many stepped forward. I guess they really liked the material. Which is partially what made me like the film as much as I did as I am a sucker for a lot of the actors in this film.
I was totally blind to this movie until I saw it’s trailer, which peaked my interest. So when I began watching it and all these stars started showing up I was pleasantly excited.
I wish I could say the film was amazing it’s not it is good and entertaining for what it is. It plays more like a extended tv pilot but a cable one. Probably due to it’s low budget and things feeling more fake then real. It’s a show I would take a chance on like a R Rated MY NAME IS EARL. Though that would be interesting for all the TV Pilots that were rejected to try and get funds so they can almost be a complete film. You could also do the reverse a underfunded indie film could try to be a TV Pilot so that if picked up they can get the money to expand and finish the initial story. Just a thought. I did respect that the film didn’t make the characters glamorous nor the locations so they looked more average, lived in and normal.
The film is about Barry who is sex obsessed and the highlight of his days seems to be trying to seduce women at his local bar with his best friend they have middling success. Then one day Barry is trying to seduce a woman who it turns out is a teenager when he back off she becomes more aggressive. Then her father shows up out of nowhere and assaults Barry with a trumpet the resulting attack causes Barry to lose his testicles. Soon after he is contacted by a attorney that he is the subject of a paternity suit with a woman he doesn’t remember. This being maybe the only chance he has to have children he decides to do the right thing and try to get into the woman’s life which sets him on a road to responsibility and hilarity as he seems to find trouble each time he tries something new.
The film is more charming then impressive. It’s never boring but it leaves you with a lot of wonder as you want to see more side characters and what they’re lives are like. It’s not that the leads are boring but they seem to be more of the straight characters to everyone else’s wacky one. SO it plays almost as a more comedic companion piece to the film AWAY WE GO. Though this one doesn’t have as many artistic inspirations.
Thought the film has a clear ending it is a film I wouldn’t mind seeing a sequel to or a film that I wouldn’t mind returning to the universe it takes place in.
All in all the film is a Worthy rental that won’t leave you disappointed
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