CAST: Christopher Reid, Christopher Martin, Bernie Mac, Chris Tucker, David Edwards, Angela Means, Khandi Alexander, Joe Torry, Tisha Campbell-Martin, Marques Houston, Eddie Griffin, Michael Colyar, TLC, Immature, Yvette Wilson, Reynaldo Rey, Gilbert Gotfried,
Directed By: Eric Reza
Written By: Takashi Bufford; Based On A Story By: David Toney & Takashi Bufford; Based on characters by: Reginald Hudlin
Cinematography By: Anghel Decca
Editor: Tom Walls
I know I have this bad habit of reviewing sequels before originals and I apologize for it. I’m not going to change it anytime soon, but for those of you annoyed by it, I understand and thank you if you keep returning.
This is the final film starring Kid & Play. Part 4 after this stars the music group immature who play kid’s nephews in this film. That film went straight to home video. This one made it to theaters and seems only to be made not to make a quality project but to squeeze the last drop of originality out of the franchise.
This film seems to be Kid n’ Play meet def comedy jam as most of the roles seems to be filled with regular stand-up’s from that show as well as recording artists on def jam such as TLC and immature. None of the additions really add much to the film except for as distractions. It’s really odd then that Martin Lawrence Doesn’t return even for a cameo considering at the time he hosted DEF COMEDY JAM. I guess he was busy with his own Television series MARTIN. Though his MARTIN Co-star Tisha Campbell manages to make it. But that should have been a clue that things weren’t right. This is a man who starred in BIG MOMMAS HOUSE 2. Now if this had been a straight sequel where time had been spent on story and script the film could have been a good sendoff for the series and it’s character but sadly that is not the case. It’s a real shame as I really liked the movies kid n play did together even CLASS ACT.
What is the best part of this movie? The trailer, which has the best jokes and glimpses into what should have been hilarious scenes. Sitting through the film is like being afflicted with tourette’s syndrome. That is how unfocused the film is. It seems like the plot and the story were a afterthought. The film also burst your bubble because all through the original and it’s sequel you thought or were lead to believe that kid and his girlfriend Sydney were a match made in heaven destined to end up with each other. Then in this film she is relegated to a cameo as kid is marrying a woman we have never met or even heard about before. So we know nothing about her or why they belong together. Since she never endears herself to us or him.
The main reason for the House Party this time is Kid’s Bachelor Party. Planned by Play. Even though they are running there own record company, From a loan shark who they need to pay back as they are past due. The loan shark has fine lady enforcers (just noted to show how this movie tries to be as exploitive as possible most times) They both also need to sign a all female hip hop group played By TLC named in this film Sex As A Weapon. One of the members has a crush on kid and makes him have second thought about getting married. As usual Hijinks ensue throughout the film.
Kid & Play who are supposed to be the stars. They Seem here to just tie it all together and to be the main focus. As the film seeks to chase ant fad that was around at the time and tie it into the film any way they can. Including adding kid rap group immature (IMX) to be cute and also take center stage more or less.
As the film seems increasingly focused on them. They play his little cousins but they come off more as annoying and as examples of trying to cover the youth market to the series of movies. (As they would star in the next installment) Even though the movie is a hard R
The film as always is focused more on kid and leaving play more in the background.
The film is filled with a lot of stand-up comedians who seem to be doing bits of their act in somewhat character of who they are playing. So much so that it seems the film is more focused on them and any def comedy jam or stand-up minority comic they could find to help fill in scenes. As there appears to barely be a script at play here or the filmmakers thought the comedians could fill in the gaps to make the film funnier than the script.
The film is full of great lines and bits, but ultimately it doesn’t save the film. Though it is what helps keep the movie relevant
It’s disappointing in this finale of the original set of movies that kid unfortunately doesn’t end up with his love interest of the first two film Sydney played by tisha Campbell. Who is here he n a cameo but her presence as well as Martin Lawrence’s are missed and make it feel like a vital ingredient is missing. As at the time they were both busy with MARTIN the television show.
The films true saving grace is Bernie Mac. Who other then some comedians lines saves the day and are hilarious. He is truly the only real reason to watch the film.
The female characters don’t necessarily come off well and certainly most of them aren’t respected as this film treats almost over half of the female cast as either sex objects or victims of insults. It gives the others really nothing to do or play. Of course the sloppiness of this film awakens you to the better quality of the previous film
What should have been a last hurrah or extravaganza more almost goes down in disgrace from the heights of the first film. Soured by the slow decline in grounding of this saga. As each film had more of a meaning behind them. Even part 2 seemed to put an emphasis on education. This film is about the career and future of kid. With him getting married and hopefully successful with a happily ever after. It also serves as a life span for the character. Which all comes across as more random as the two stars are in the film significantly less then ever before in any other film (Considering they starred in further films it also seems like a kind of hand off of sorts without anyone knowing it)
The film goes have a few hilarious stand out scenes. Though as a whole the movie is weak and seems to want to do more a series of centered skits.
The thing that is sad is that the cast has so many comedians and the film is barely funny. It’s like they are each trying to show off but it leads to awkwardness. The only time the movie comes alive is also the only reason to see this film and his name is The Late Great BERNIE MAC. He is playing Kid’s uncle Robin Harris’s character POP’s From the first movies brother and he takes full charge of being hilarious no matter what he does. He does it like a pro. He literally brings the house down in each scene he is in unfortunately he is only a supporting performer. Trust me you can fast forward to his scenes throughout the film and still not really miss anything. I would say wait until the movie is on TV, Unfortunately the best stuff would be cut out by television. Even Full Force didn’t Return what were they doing that they were too busy to drip by in the film?
Skip It
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