This is soemthing new and probably rare that i am going to do.
SCRIPT WRITTEN BY Lee Eisenberg & Gene Stupnitsky
113 Pages
Draft Dated: June 6, 2008
Don’t ask where I got it because I’m no snitch just know that I have read the screenplay of this upcoming Cameron Diaz Coemdy that will Co-star Justin Timberlake, Lucy Punch and Jason Segel.
The film is a quick and entertaining read and a dark comedy in every sense of the word not down and depressing dark but a dark that is politically incorrect and makes no apologies for it’s conduct (Think Bad Santa, but cleaner) the type I really enjoy the script the film won’t be a classic but it could be memorable as long as the film sticks to the nuts and bolts of the screenplay. Now I know that scripts usually change from there drafts but this is the one that will work the best from what I have read.
The Screenplay is about a gold digger teacher ELIZABETH HALSEY. Who thinks she has it made a rich fiancé who loves her she is all set to quit her teaching life and retire to be a trophy wife until she finds out her fiancé is cheating on her with a Woman. She is willing to forgive for a expensive gift, but he rebuffs her and tells her this woman loves him for him and not what he has. Shattered she goes back to work at her school as a 7th grade teacher and trying to snare a rich guy after a summer of trying to get pregnant by various basketball players, She becomes convinced that she can only get a rich guy by getting a boob job so she schemes her way to get money for them when all of a sudden she meets a handsome seemingly perfect substitute teacher who comes from money and she does her best to try and seduce him by being the perfect teacher who cares about her students who she honestly could careless about as she mostly plays movies as lessons while she tries to sleep off hangovers but she is shattered to find he is already dating her nemesis a ms. Perfect rival teacher. As the film goes on the two females battle over him and she schemes more to get things to go her way.
There is a lot more going on but I don’t want to spoil the movie as if it is directed right it will definitely be a fun time at the cinema. In the hands of Director Jake Kasdan it should be interesting the only worrisome part is Cameron Diaz. If she pulls it off it will be a comeback in the quality of films she makes. Reading the script I could imagine Anna Faris is mad she didn’t get the role as this seems to be the type she likes to play sort of like her character in OBSERVE & REPORT only less dark and depressing, But Anna Faris’s characters usually are out there comedically and can be off center, but they usually have a sweetness to them and what I liked about the script is that the character does change but not that much and on there own terms.
Lucy Punch has been Cast as her Nemesis Amy Squirrel. Which could be good as she has been good in movies like HOT FUZZ. But when reading it I imagined Jennifer Love Hewitt in the role since it would be kind of a amalgam of her usual screen image and a chance for her to show some range on the big screen if not her Amy Adams would also be good in the role.
I am shocked That Justin Timberlake took the role of the Substitute Teacher that the ladies fight over as his role is the role of the Beautiful girl in most movies. He doesn’t have much to do but play the straight man to the two women in comedic scenes. But maybe he enjoyed that aspect. I imagine though his role will probably be beefed up to give him more of a reason to be in the film and give him more to do. I also hope they do the same with Jason Segel’s role as Diaz’s roommate who comes into the film here and there to say a line then disappears and we never really learn anything about except for one scene towards the end where he is needed and has a set-up and instant pay off.
All in all I would say this has a chance. I don’t usually read a script in one sitting on my computer usually but the time melted away as I was lead to page after page and never got bored or bogged down.
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