Sunday, April 12, 2009


Why is it now when certain stars work together in a film it feels like a special event or like a added bonus like if you like him you’ll love the fact that this star isn’t is in it too.

If you look at classic films like GUNS OF THE NAVARONE or LAWRENCE OF ARABIA great actors always co-starred with each other for whatever reasons. Now it seems you have to satisfy the egos of the stars for them just to work together. It’s just like how all the great actors seem to be doing big budget action or Super hero films.

I guess because at this point they come cheaper then the movie stars who can’t act even though the films are more centered on effects then cast but at least you know you’ll get a good performance plus it gives the actor to add some box-office clout to there name unfortunately though it seems only in these movies, Do you ever get a superstar cast of actors to be in the same films.

Look at IRON MAN and THE INCREDIBLE HULK both of which have a great cast for a drama. Under those circumstances the films would be oscar bait but you have all this talent for a blockbuster movie. I’m not putting it down I regularly enjoy these films but why does it have to be only for these type of films? How come there isn’t a drama that co-stars Edward Norton and Robert Downey Jr.

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