Thursday, March 19, 2009

DRIVE (1997)

Cast: Kadeem Hardison, Mark Dacoascus, Brittany Murphy, Tracy Walter, Sanna Lathan

Directed By: Steven Wang
Written By: Scott Phillps
Cinematography By: Michael G. Wojciechowski
Editor: Ivan Lidizinsky

Now this is what the film “Shoot ‘Em Up” should have been this film is action packed, funny, campy full of energy you don’t take it seriously for a minute as one situation gets more ridiculous then the last one.

The film is Successful with very few stars and a limited budget.

The Chemistry and charisma of the two leads help. This is the film where I discovered Mark Dacoscus (I Saw “Only The Strong” Years Later) who handles most of the action where as kadeem Is the everyman and the comic relief like a low budget but good version of “Rush Hour” tag team of Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker. Then add in Brittany Murphy as a over the top horny teenager who helps them. Her scenes are perfect and add to the lunacy and infectous energy. It’s rather sad when she Exits the film. You will find yourself praying that she makes another appearance. This was a star making role for Brittany Murphy her full comedic talent on display.

Considering this film so over the top nothing seems out of place or too bizarre. The Story is mark dacoscus is transporting a energized battery in his body that gives him endless energy he is trying to deliver it to a rival company who will remove it. When his company tries to kill him they try to stop him along the way so that he is practically a fugitive who kidnaps out of work Kadeem hardison for his car and promises him a million dollars half of his pay when he delivers the battery. Then in the final battle must face off with a guy who has a new and improved version of the battery sure allof this is ridiculous but it is also fun and entertaining.

This is a must see a definite rent if you can find it and if at all possible buy it at 14.95 it’s worth it.


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