Saturday, November 9, 2019

THELMA (2017)

Directed By: Joachim Trier 
Written By: Eskil Vogt & Joachim Trier 
Cinematography: Jakob Ihre 
Editor: Oliver Bugge Coutte 

Cast: Elili Harboe, Kaya Wilkins, Henrik Rafaelsen, Ellen Doritt Petersen, Anders Mossling 

A confused religious girl tries to deny her feelings for a female friend who's in love with her. This causes her suppressed subconsciously-controlled psychokinetic powers to reemerge with devastating results.

The film is kind of an origin story.

The film clues you in early as the opening scene is shocking and feels a bit off. This movie keeps changing in it’s presentation and construction. As it seems to be a about connection, a love story, terminal illness, truth, superpowers, religion and how it shapes decisions. Her parents Though essentially the villains we see it from their pints of view and understand their decisions. As deeply religions they feel that this gift is a curse an abomination that must be controlled and not encouraged, especially after a tragedy.

This film could be seen as the birth of a superhero or super power, but there is nothing comic about it. More as she develops and matures her powers once suppressed not only come to the forefront, but also the reasoning is s because of suppression and past deeds. Feeling guilt when you don’t know any better, but still can’t forget the acts and how much pain they caused.

The film can be glacial at times with it’s pacing. It could have been a bit showier, but for some visual symbolism that times feels a bit too much. As that is how the film feels at times where it feels like it is making too much out of too little.

It also showcases how religion can influence and damage something that comes naturally and is virtually unknown and how it Tries to cage the unexplained or more it’s followers do.

The distant and cold manner her orient treat her and even when she gently tries to assert herself. They slap her down mentally that seems cruel on purpose to punish her for an unknown reason.

Though because of her powers and innocence a modern day religions figure as she advanced it seems the Culture chooses they must worship.

This is not a typical one girl with certain gifts but a horror though sometimes it feels that way due to the supernatural, effects and tension. They say birth of a superhero In a way as it is more a dramatic origin story of a girl with extraordinary powers learning to use them And come to grips with it. As the villains seem to be her disapproving parents and by the end the saying seems true that you always hurt the ones you love.


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