Friday, March 15, 2019


Story By & Directed By: Rossano Brazzi 
Written By: Rossano Brazzi, Diana Crispo, Renato Polselli & Piero Regnoli 
Cinematography: Luciano Trasatti 
Editor: Amedeo Giomini 

Cast: Adrienne LaRussa, Rossano Brazzi, Nino Castelnuovo, Paola Pitagora, Alberto De Mendoza, Idelma Carlo 

Mario consigns his girlfriend Licia to a whorehouse for an evening in order to get the photographic goods to blackmail her father with. To get her out of the way, Licia is then consigned to a mental hospital by her father.

This is as most films probably are best to go in knowing as little as possible. As that is part of the enjoyment.

This movie is very freewheeling and is never scary. At times the film tries to be serious in but comes off as silly and indulgent.

It is a sign of the times it was made in the late 1960’s. As everything feels glam and a bit silly as well as over the top.

It has a catchy soundtrack of Italian rock with plenty of room for dancing rock n roll scenes. As just like the rest of the movie it feels frivolous, free wheeling and All the female cast members look beautiful and the film seems to be buoys around the attractiveness and appeal of actress Adrienne LaRussa, who is beyond free spirited in her performance.

The film is primarily a thriller but the opening credits would have you believe it is more of an erotic thriller. As in those credits we are mostly kept in close ups of Ms. Larussa and her body as she seems to be making love to her boyfriend. the film does give off a sexual free love vibe.

Though as the film goes along it reveals itself to be more of a revenge thriller. Where the main character after getting out of an insane asylum to keep from marrying her older blackmailer boyfriend. Seems to use most of the characters trust and list for her to her own advantage.

As a woman thought crazy in power after being locked away for her indiscretions even though her families is worse. She truly might have actually gone crazy.

The film features fashions to die for. In fact the whole mood, decor, wardrobe and art direction are fabulous. Just like the film they are all under the atmosphere of time

This is a devious yet fascinating film. As it goes along to see how everything not only fits together. But how it will get there. Even as you suspect where it is going. It manages to keep you keep you on your toes. As it lets the story fraternize and marinate.

The film is enjoyable wonderfully frivolous and energetic. As is the lead.

This is a film that could have only been made at the time it was

Grade: B+

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