Friday, June 15, 2018

FALL TIME (1995)

Directed By: Paul Warner 
Written By: Steve Alden & Paul Skemp
Cinematography By: Mark J. Gordon 

Editor: Steven Nevius 

Cast: Mickey Rourke, Stephen Baldwin, Jason London, Sheryl Lee, David Arquette 

Three young men decide to plan a mock kidnapping, but everything goes wrong because a real bank robbery was already planned by two other guys.

This is a crime drama that tries to be different from the rest by setting itself in the 1950’s and with that kind of small time Americans theme. It adds a quirkiness to the material that makes it stand out in the straight laced time period it takes place In mostly through it’s villains.

The villains are a gay couple one seemingly more normal and from the east coast played by Stephen Baldwin and the other tough but dressed more flamboyant played by Mickey Rourke in what looks like his own wardrobe from home and whose character is named Florence.

What sets this film apart are the twists and the quirkiness but other then that the film feels pretty straight forward and predictable.

What really makes the film Stay in mind other then being. Straight to video trash. Is that the film seeks an earnestness and seems to want to surprise the audience or at least blow it’s Mind and make a spectacular debut.

It is also one of the very few movies I remember actress Sheryl Lee. Wing in where she is good. As this film seems to be almost a victory for her. As she is so tortured in the films of David Lynch here she gets to be the victor by the end.

This film seemed to want to either keep Mickey Rourke working or give him a chance of a comeback and the material is here but the direction makes most of the film feel so basic or familiar. So that when the twists come in it’s the only thing that keeps you somewhat awake and wanting to see what happens by the end.

The prank this was all set around seems stupid and because of it out of the friends who get dragged into this caper. The roles change the confident leader becomes the weakest. The youngest ends up being the bravest and the middle man ends up still being the middle man but also the one left to be the hero. 

The film has a heavy homoerotic vibe to it. As Stephen Baldwin who was initially kidnapped tortured his kid appears and seems to threaten them sexually while making them strip to their underwear. While the film also offers a sex scene between characters fully clothed. For no real reason other then to make it seem more romantic and straight and to cut through the sexual tension it’s quick but seems to be the last thing the characters should have on their minds.

By the end they show how the plan was supposed to go and even it seems far detected though shows Rourke’s character might be more bi then just homosexual.

The film also has an unnecessary use of a racist cop for it seems to set the time period and add a bit of humor that is not needed and seems to be a tarantino-esque jab at us by that kind of language to be edgy to a degree though not needed. Especially as there are no characters of color throughout.

Though it should be forgettable this film stays within my memories. Maybe as a lost opportunity or it’s just another film that is trash that becomes jumbled in my mind.

Grade: D+

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