Saturday, February 24, 2018


Directed By: Arthur Hiller 
Written By: Gene Wilder, Earl Barret, Eliot Wald, Arne Sultan & Andrew Kurtzman 
Story By: Marvin Worth, Arne Sultan & Earl Barret 
Cinematography By: Victor J. Kemper 
Editor: Robert C. Jones 
Music By: Stewart Copeland 

Cast: Richard Pryor, Gene Wilder, Joan Severance, Kevin Spacey, Anthony Zerbe, Alan North, Hardy Rawls, Lauren Tom, Tonya Pinkins, Zach Grenier 

Dave is deaf, and Wally is blind. They witness a murder, but it was Dave who was looking at her, and Wally who was listening. This is a hilarious film that is funnier then the plot or story and leaves the audience remembering more moments than any other aspect of the film.

This is the last of the legendary comedic team up's Of Gene wilder and Richard Pryor or at least the last good one. As they also made ANOTHER YOU soon after, but they both were obviously sick and not too energetic in that film. Plus it was just bad. Their chemistry is always undeniable.

Though some might say the throes of their collaborations. His is actually the 4th of you remember Gene wilder co-Starred in. BLAZING SADDLES. While Richard Pryor was only a co-writer but intended original star of the film.

In this film gene wilder goes from mild mannered to manic so fast. That he makes it seem so organic and Like it's own type of slow burn that was just one of his many talents.

Gene Wilder, originally turned the movie down due to the fact that he found the script more insulting to the deaf and blind community. So he was offered the chance to rewrite it himself and in the end took the role. Even though after the film came out some in that same community still found the film Insulting --The film let's them show off why they work so well together. As they work off of one another rather then trying to steal the spotlight for themselves.

This film actually has one of the more committed performances from Richard Pryor.

The film has strange villains who seem so cold and efficient that they feel like they belong in another film altogether. Even though the villainous pair are hired hands and are played by Kevin Spacey and Joan severance both after noteworthy performances on the show WISEGUY. They themselves have great chemistry and are really the only straight performances in the film. Though Kevin spacey gets a few moments of comedic stupidity.

While Joan severance is the more dangerous and seductress. Who seems to have chemistry with gene wilder's character. Though in The end the film offers a general over the top villain who isn't in the film much. Severance comes away as the most evil.

In this film many of the supporting characters get to be funny and help lift the comedic weight for the stars. As at times they act just as outlandish. Though usually driven to that point by the main stars.

The film might be dated, but I will admit me like many others probably have a soft spot for it. I saw it In theaters with my late father and don't remember going to a movie other than COMING TO AMERICA. Where I remember him laughing so hard. It helped that now I know my dad was quite a big Richard Pryor fan. While this film is far form brilliant I believe it will make most who watch it laugh.

The film is directed by Arthur holler who directed the comedic duo in their first notable outing SILVER STREAK. This film is funnier the. It is made to be. As watching the film it comes off as rather plain and tries to be devoted more to or and story than any of their other films. Especially when their strength is being set up and let loose to improv all Over the scene. That is where the magic seems to happen. As ally why need is set up and suggestions. Which Mr. Hiller seems to realize after awhile is best. As when ties down the film barely has any flair and feels like anyone else could have starred in it. When left to do their thing. Is she you see the power.

The film is fun bit more it seems filled more with set-up's for the chemistry to put the two else's together only here with toe challenges to overcome. Though he film does show that the strength of the film and performance does depend on the material. Because if you look again a t the disaster that was ANOTHER YOU. It tries the same thing and is even more silly, bit feels tired. It also might have come too soon after this film, as most of their collaborations seem to have taken quite a few years to come together. So that there was a hunger from audiences. Also wisely they didn't cheapen the quality by constantly doing it or watering it down out of familiarity, but as health concerns arises for both filming was probably rushed and the filmmakers might have thought this would be each of their last films. As it felt like a cash grab cashing in on he success and reputation of the stars rather than provide them with good material. As at least this film has a quality to it.

Grade: B-

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