Friday, August 25, 2017



When it comes to D.C. Comics And Warner Brothers idea to do stand alone villain movie or more likely villain origin films. I can see why as they have done so in comics with success. It also allows for more popular villains. Usually foes of Batman and superman. Their own stories but allows for future villains who might strike a chord with audiences in successful superhero movies. Their own films and allows the studio to profit and locks down certain actors future films. Though from an artistic standpoint it allows successful directors to come into the fold not be beholden to continuity allowing them their own artistic freedoms and creativity to work on a story. Telling a story for. A point of view not usually allowed on films. Making them anti-heroes or having the audience see things from their point of view. An interesting aspect as we get to make them complex and likeable while going to more a dark side. Whether they start off evil or less evil than a bigger evil. Out of jealousy, competition or just decency will have to be seen. Though as with their current series of films it always seems like D.C. Is either playing catch up or throwing everything against the wall to see what works and be considered not only more successful but better. It's like THE JETSONS when it comes to Spacely Sprockets versions Cogswell Cogs. Both unlikeable and seem irreuptable but the family at the center of the series works for one. So they will always seem more favorable. Thoughb will admit at least marvel seems to have a thorough plan. Where as D.C. Just seems to try to catch on to what ever is hip and popular.

Again I hope they go one at a time before going all in on a series of films. Which if need for example was the mistake of THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN MOVIES. Where they planned too much and messed up their own current product by bogging it down with too much set-up for future films.

I like the idea of side stories talking place in a world rules by superheroes and villains. Hell I can admit I even had an idea or short story for one that didn't take place in any known comic book universe or property, but those stores have always fascinated me. Just as in the episodes of BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES. Where a normal character would be the focus of an episode that involved villains or the hero more as supporting characters that loomed large. Like in the episode THE MAN WHO KILLED BATMAN written by: Paul Dini where a normal schnook get's roped into being a hired criminal or thug and then thought to (accidently) have killed Batman which makes him a celebrity but we see how his arch-villains react some congratulatory some surprisingly emotional and vengeful. There is also the episode of the series where a bunch of kids find a passed out Batman and protect him from villains looking for him on their own. There are also episodes like ALMOST GOT 'IM where the villains all Play poker and talk about some misadventure where they almost killed batman. Or JOKER'S ENVY written by Paul Dini, where the joker stalks a normal guy who yelled at him in a road rage incident. Deciding he owes him a favor. There is also HARLEY & IVY where we watch the two villains team up for a crime spree and slowly even become fitness more than partners. Other the. Giving the heavy push to writers like Paul Dini who have the gift of writing memorable stories that are dramatic and real as well as action oriented. As evidenced by the series they can make even not well remembered villains into compelling g story subjects. As well as his personal graphic novel memoir of his fascination and rivalry with the character of batman and the other characters. DARK KNIGHT: A TRUE BATMAN STORY, Don't forget Dini did create The character Harley Quinn in he 2000's and she had become iconic in that short amount of time. So good ideas are possible for these spin off's the only question is will they be funded if they are more challenging.

Which should hopefully open up the writing of these films to the writers of the more darker but better in quality DC unviverse animated films.

As the idea of challenging big budgeted stand alone films are interesting and can show a different more interesting way of storytelling. Though if not a happy ending will audiences accept? Sure most love Logan the darker of the wolverine series of films, but the first two more conventional made money but weren't necessarily well liked.

It also comes down to villains are supporting characters. Like the wild and crazy neighbor on a sitcom. All that is required is that they come in and be dazzling. They don't have to change for the sake of a three act story. They don't have anything to overcome. They don't necessarily have any dramatic emotional action or reaction. They can come in and have fun and flaunt. As they usually are Lowly morals and have faith upon themselves. So they are easier to play and have fun with. They have nothing and no one to live up to. Their focus is singular or more personal gains, Rather than others. --Though as superman is Lex Luthor's Moby Dick. It would be interesting and challenging to see what and who he tries to overcome without any super powered enemy in his way. What or who would he have to overcome?

In graphic novel form here is also joker by Brian Azzarello where not only the joker but other Batman villains have stories from their past that helped form then and their world View. Only partly an origin tale more a coming of age tale for each. These are riveting on the page, but also comics and graphic novels allow or for experimentation with the form. Where as films are allowed to be experimental but once it raises to a certain budget. Most studios make more demands for it to be all inclusive to all audiences. So that they stay more planned and in the middle ground.

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